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Registration Fees

All the reg­is­tra­tion fees are shown in US Dol­lars. Reg­is­tra­tion is open and needs to be done via the Eventbrite web page.

Cat­e­go­ryEar­ly Bird (before March 1, 2024)Reg­u­lar (after Feb­ru­ary 28, 2024)
Full Con­fer­ence IMWA Mem­ber$ 625$ 700
Full Con­fer­ence Gen­er­al$ 700$ 775
Stu­dents$ 250$ 250
Sin­gle Day – Select the days on the reg­is­tra­tion form$ 175$ 175
Accom­pa­ny­ing Per­son (social events only)$ 125$ 125
Accom­pa­ny­ing Per­son Bun­dle (social events and three guest tours)$ 225$ 225
Work­shops (Sun­day, 21 April, 2024)
  1 PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat mod­el$ 75$ 75
  2 Hydro­ge­o­log­i­cal Trac­er Tech­niques$ 75$ 75
  3 Geochemist’s Work­bench$ 75$ 75
  4 Intro­duc­tion to Python$ 95$ 95
Half Day Field Trips (Wednes­day, 24 April 2024)
  1 Humphrey Mine and Mylan Park$ 65$ 65
  2 Active Treat­ment Sys­tems$ 65$ 65
  3 Pas­sive Treat­ment of Acidic Mine Drainage$ 65$ 65
  4 Longview Pow­er Plant$ 65$ 65
  5 Lau­rel Cav­erns$ 85$ 85
  6 Pas­sive Treat­ment (full day)$ 125$ 125
Accom­pa­ny­ing Person’s Tours
  1 Lau­rel Cav­erns$ 85$ 85
  2 Prickett’s Fort$ 35$ 35
  3 Davis-Lynch Glass Com­pa­ny$ 35$ 35
  4 Arthurdale & Cooper’s Rock Over­look$ 50$ 50
Post Con­gress Field Trip
  Mine Sites in West Vir­ginia and Penn­syl­va­nia | April 26 to 29, 2024$ 875$ 875