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Conference Topics

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  1. Acid Mine Drainage Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion Tech­niques
  2. Active Treat­ment Inno­va­tions and Appli­ca­tions
  3. Pas­sive Treat­ment Inno­va­tions
  4. Aban­doned Mine Drainage Water Man­age­ment – Extract­ing Geot­her­mal Ener­gy from Mine Water
  5. Tail­ings and Tail­ings Ponds
  6. Cir­cu­lar Econ­o­my and Resilience Issues with Min­ing-influ­enced Water
  7. Ben­e­fi­cial Uses of Min­ing-influ­enced Water
  8. Rare Earth Ele­ments in Mine Water
  9. Ecol­o­gy and Micro­bi­ol­o­gy of Mine Water
  10. Water Issues for Mine Waste Stor­age Facil­i­ties
  11. Mine Water Safe­ty Issues
  12. Socio-eco­nom­ic Issues with Mine Water
  13. Stream Restora­tion
  14. Hydrol­o­gy and Mine Geo­chem­istry
  15. Mine Clo­sure and Asso­ci­at­ed Lega­cy Issues
  16. Case Stud­ies