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For Students

Student Award

IMWA and the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tees believe that it is impor­tant to attract young sci­en­tists and engi­neers into the field of mine water man­age­ment. There­fore, IMWA will be award­ing a cash prize to the best tech­ni­cal paper writ­ten and pre­sent­ed by a bona-fide stu­dent. Stu­dents from around the world are invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate.

Three cash prizes of 1,500 Euro and 500 Euro will be award­ed to two full-time bona-fide stu­dents, based on an assess­ment of the qual­i­ty of the writ­ten paper and the oral pre­sen­ta­tion. Stu­dents who believe that they are eli­gi­ble for con­sid­er­a­tion for this award will be required to con­firm their sta­tus as a full-time bona-fide stu­dent when they sub­mit their writ­ten papers. Pre­sen­ters will be request­ed to pro­vide the Com­mit­tee with a prop­er­ly autho­rised let­ter of con­fir­ma­tion of their full-time stu­dent sta­tus from the aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tion where they are study­ing, togeth­er with con­tact details of the aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tion in order that the Organ­is­ing Com­mit­tee can fol­low up and con­firm if they require to do so.

The awards will be pre­sent­ed at the Con­fer­ence Clos­ing Cer­e­mo­ny and the Organ­is­ing Com­mit­tee will there­fore ensure that all papers deemed eli­gi­ble for the award are pre­sent­ed before this date. IMWA and the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tees hope that this award will encour­age and moti­vate young stu­dents and researchers from around the world to write and present a dis­tinc­tive and mer­i­ta­ble paper on the Con­fer­ence Theme of their choice.

All the past win­ners of the Student’s Award can be found here.

Student Travel Scholarship

IMWA will offer three stu­dent trav­el grants of up to 600 Euro each to help stu­dents trav­el to the IMWA 2024 Con­gress. If you are a stu­dent who would like to attend this Con­gress but does not have the finan­cial means to do so, please send an email to the IMWA Trea­sur­er, Elke Mugo­va, at:, explain­ing your plans and needs. IMWA has formed a com­mit­tee to eval­u­ate the appli­ca­tions based on these emails.

Stu­dents who will be pre­sent­ing a paper will have an advan­tage over those who are just plan­ning to attend the meet­ing.

Appli­ca­tions will close on 31st Decem­ber 2023.

Early Career Evening

Join us for the Ear­ly Career Evening at the WVTF | IMWA 2024 con­fer­ence! This spe­cial event is designed for stu­dents and young pro­fes­sion­als in mine water man­age­ment and research. Net­work with oth­er ear­ly career pro­fes­sion­als, share ideas and make valu­able con­nec­tions in a wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment. Don’t miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty to start your jour­ney in the field.

See you there!