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Review Process

Abstract Review

Each abstract will under­go a dou­ble-blind review process by 3 review­ers from the Inter­na­tion­al Sci­en­tif­ic Com­mit­tee. Before the abstracts are vis­i­ble to the review­ers, each abstract will be qual­i­ty-checked. This qual­i­ty check will ver­i­fy the length of the abstract, the num­ber of para­graphs and the use of sev­er­al key­words that might be con­sid­ered unsci­en­tif­ic or should not be used any more (e.g. heavy met­als, ppm/ppb for liq­uids, impact, sig­nif­i­cant for non-sta­tis­ti­cal use). These cri­te­ria are based on the expe­ri­ence of past WVTF | IMWA con­fer­ences, where abstracts that didn’t meet these cri­te­ria were more often scored low­er than oth­ers.

Each review­er can choose one of these cat­e­gories and pro­vide an over­all rec­om­men­da­tion:

Strong Oral – “must have” – 100 Points
Mod­er­ate Oral – “ok but not great” – 90 Points
Weak Oral – “bare­ly accept­able” – 60 Points
Poster – “inter­est­ing, but don’t want to lis­ten” – 40 Points
Reject – “very bad­ly pre­pared paper” – 0 Points

The final score is cal­cu­lat­ed using the aver­age of the reviews divid­ed by 10, which results in 0 to 10 points. Usu­al­ly, abstracts with less than 4 points will be reject­ed (about 3 % of all abstracts), abstracts between 4 and 6 points will become posters (19 %) and abstracts above 6 points will be accept­ed as oral pre­sen­ta­tions (78 %). Review­ers have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to over­rule the point-based-deci­sion if they think a very good abstract should become a poster or a not so good abstract should be improved and pre­sent­ed oral­ly if the sub­ject is of high inter­est. This can be done through an inter­nal com­ment­ing sys­tem.

After the review process, we will inform you about the reviewer’s deci­sions and send you their “com­ments to the authors”.

Full Paper Review

In gen­er­al, abstracts accept­ed as oral pre­sen­ta­tions need to pro­vide a 6 pages full paper which will be pub­lished in the pro­ceed­ings vol­ume and needs to fol­low the “Mine Water and the Envi­ron­ment” cri­te­ria for writ­ing papers. Only authors who paid in full and pro­vid­ed a full paper will get an oral slot dur­ing the con­fer­ence. Poster pre­sen­ta­tions will get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pro­vide also a 6 pages full paper which will be pub­lished in the pro­ceed­ings vol­ume.

Each paper will be reviewed by two review­ers, and authors get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cor­rect their papers accord­ing to the review­ers’ com­ments. The names of the review­ers will not be revealed to the authors. After the review com­ments are includ­ed, the paper will be accept­ed for pub­li­ca­tion in the WVTF | IMWA 2024 pro­ceed­ings vol­ume.