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How to get to Morgantown

Mor­gan­town, West Vir­ginia, is locat­ed about 130 km south of Pitts­burgh, PA, USA. Trav­el­ers can fly to Pitts­burgh Inter­na­tion­al Air­port on var­i­ous car­ri­ers and dri­ve via the Inter­state I‑79 to Mor­gan­town in a rental car, or you may take a shut­tle flight to Mor­gan­town Air­port from Pitts­burgh or Wash­ing­ton DC.

Shut­tle flights are avail­able dai­ly to and from the Mor­gan­town Air­port. These flights may not always appear on pop­u­lar trav­el web­sites, but you can find more infor­ma­tion and book direct­ly at the air­port web­site.

Bus trans­porta­tion from the Pitts­burgh Air­port to Mor­gan­town is avail­able dai­ly via the Moun­tain Line shut­tle. It offers three trips dai­ly from Pitts­burgh Air­port on Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, April 20–21, and costs $US 15 one-way (plus a $US 3.99 ser­vice fee). Learn more and book via the Grey­hound and Moun­tain­Line web­sites. Make sure you book the Pitts­burgh Air­port depar­ture!

It is about 1.5 km from the Mor­gan­town Pifer ter­mi­nal to the Mar­riott Hotel – so not very walk­a­ble with a suit­case. You can pick up an Uber or taxi to the Mar­riott, which should be less than 10 min­utes.

There are also small city bus­es that can pick peo­ple up at the same place and dis­trib­ute them across Mor­gan­town, so they could get one of those. They don’t oper­ate on Sun­day.

To get from Pifer ter­mi­nal you can take one of the fol­low­ing bus­es

#2 Down-town to get to Hotel Mor­gan.
#4 Orange line can get you to Mar­riott.

Pri­vate shut­tles can also be arranged direct­ly through Regency Trans­porta­tion.

Mul­ti­ple rental com­pa­nies offer rental cars avail­able for pick­up at the Pitts­burgh Air­port.