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Guidelines for Presenters

Oral presentations

The offi­cial lan­guage of the WVTF | IMWA 2024 Con­fer­ence is Eng­lish.

  • Keynote address­es will be 30 min­utes (25 min­utes pre­sen­ta­tion + 5 min­utes ques­tions).
  • Reg­u­lar pre­sen­ta­tions will be 25 min­utes sharp (20 min­utes pre­sen­ta­tion + 5 min­utes ques­tions).

The venue will make pro­vi­sion for elec­tron­ic pre­sen­ta­tion via a com­put­er and data pro­jec­tor (“beam­er”).


These should be stan­dard Pow­er­Point and cre­at­ed in 16:9 for­mat, please. Please avoid using web links or online video files in case of issues with con­nect­ing. If you can also ensure that pic­tures are com­pressed where pos­si­ble to min­imise the file size.

Pre­sen­ters are advised to final­ize their pre­sen­ta­tions well in advance.

Once your slides are ready please upload them to Con­fTool (Link will only be work­ing short­ly before the con­fer­ence). If the files are very large then you might want to send them using WeTrans­fer. Please do this by the close of play on 19st April 2024 so we can ensure that they are loaded onto the AV equip­ment and test­ed in advance.


Please ensure you arrive in the room at least five min­utes before the ses­sion is due to start and make your­self known to the ses­sion chair.

Here you can find “Tips and Tricks for Speak­ers” to pro­vide us with a tech­ni­cal­ly cor­rect Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tion.


The size of each poster is restrict­ed to a max­i­mum size of DIN A0 (width about 90 cm and height about 120 cm – or if you pre­fer: 35.4 × 47.2″). Each poster pre­sen­ta­tion will be lim­it­ed to one A0 poster which should be hung in the por­trait for­mat. Poster pan­els and mate­r­i­al to affix your poster to the poster pan­el will be pro­vid­ed on the spot.

WVTF | IMWA 2024 logos

Web Page (png)Pow­er Point (wmf)MS Office (svg)Posters (eps)Pow­er Point | Posters (tiff)
IMWA logo
WVTF logo
WVTF & IMWA 2024 logo
Right-click to down­load the rel­e­vant images you need. Please do not dis­tort the images when you use them in your poster or pre­sen­ta­tion.