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Full Paper Info

Abstract and full paper sub­mis­sion needs to be done elec­tron­i­cal­ly through Con­fTool, our online Con­gress orga­niz­ing soft­ware. Before sub­mit­ting your full paper, you first need to reg­is­ter with the online tool.

Like all WVTF | IMWA pub­li­ca­tions, all sub­mis­sions will under­go a peer review process.

Our mem­bers of the Inter­na­tion­al Sci­en­tif­ic Com­mit­tee cat­e­go­rized all abstracts into one of the two pre­sen­ta­tion types Oral or Poster. Both pre­sen­ta­tion types will appear in the pro­ceed­ings vol­ume of WVTF | IMWA 2024. Because we are expect­ing a large num­ber of papers, we had to restrict the num­ber of pages to a max­i­mum of 6. Please be advised that the 6 pages must be in DIN A4 for­mat, includ­ing fig­ures, tables and ref­er­ences. The Ses­sion Chairs will be asked to select the best papers of their ses­sion and those authors will be invit­ed to expand and update their con­fer­ence paper for poten­tial pub­li­ca­tion in our jour­nal, “Mine Water and the Envi­ron­ment,” after the Con­gress.

Full papers (which we pre­fer) or extend­ed abstracts are manda­to­ry for oral pre­sen­ta­tions. For a poster pre­sen­ta­tion, it is up to you whether or not you wish to pre­pare a paper. But please be advised that only papers or extend­ed abstracts will be pub­lished in the pro­ceed­ings. There­fore, we high­ly encour­age authors to pre­pare a full paper or extend­ed abstract. Also, please note that only papers (not abstracts or extend­ed abstracts) will be list­ed on the Web of Sci­ence.

Full Paper Template


If you already start­ed to write your paper for the pro­ceed­ings vol­ume, make sure your paper is not longer than 6 pages. You may also fol­low the instruc­tions for authors of “Mine Water and the Envi­ron­ment”, which you can find here, or the “Tips & Tricks” for writ­ing essays here.


  • To be includ­ed in the WVTF | IMWA 2024 pro­gram, you must sub­mit either an extend­ed abstract or a full paper using the WVTF | IMWA 2024 tem­plate. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can sub­mit your orig­i­nal 400-word abstract using the WVTF | IMWA 2024 tem­plate. If you don’t upload any­thing into the con­fer­ence man­age­ment pro­gram Con­fTool, we will assume that you do not wish to attend the con­fer­ence.
  • The Jan­u­ary 10, 2024 dead­line is firm and can­not be extend­ed a sec­ond time. We need to give the review­ers enough time to review the papers so that you can make appro­pri­ate revi­sions. Then we need to refor­mat the papers and have the pro­ceed­ings ready before the con­fer­ence begins.
  • Instead of sub­mit­ting a full six-page paper (which we pre­fer), you may sub­mit an extend­ed abstract. This extend­ed abstract should be at least 1 page in length and may include tables, fig­ures, and ref­er­ences. It must include all of your key results and find­ings that will be includ­ed in your pre­sen­ta­tion. Keep in mind that peo­ple may want to cite your results in sci­en­tif­ic pub­li­ca­tions. Here is an exam­ple:
  • When upload­ing your full paper or extend­ed abstract (, please use your sub­mis­sion ID larg­er than 1000 only. Also, make sure that you update the list of authors to match those in your paper. Final­ly, make sure that the full paper abstract in Con­fTool, which can be dif­fer­ent from the ini­tial review ver­sion, match­es the abstract in your paper (inde­pen­dent­ly from its length).
  • Make sure you use the WVTF | IMWA 2024 tem­plate and fol­low the author guide­lines giv­en above.
  • The WVTF | IMWA 2024 Pro­ceed­ings will have an ISBN (978–3‑9825293–2‑5) and full papers will be list­ed in the Web of Sci­ence.
  • Please with­draw your sub­mis­sion (num­ber high­er than 1000) should you decide not to attend WVTF | IMWA 2024 any­more.