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Preliminary Program

The fol­low­ing con­tri­bu­tions were accept­ed for the WVTF | IMWA 2024 con­fer­ence. Stu­dent pre­sen­ta­tions are marked with an 🎓, oral pre­sen­ta­tions with the sym­bol and poster pre­sen­ta­tions with the sym­bol.

Abbiw, Edward; Kruse Daniels, Natal­ie A
Sorp­tion of met­als from low-iron acid mine drainage using agri­cul­tur­al waste mate­ri­als

Abfer­ti­awan, Muham­mad Son­ny; Pra­n­oto, Kris; Pal­ing­gi, Yosef; Nir­wan, Kia­gus
How to con­trol and treat the mine water in trop­i­cal rain­for­est coun­tries: a les­son learned from indone­sia open cast coal min­ing com­pa­ny

Ack­man, Ter­ry Edward
Extract­ing ener­gy from flow­ing water

Albaaj, Ammar
🎓 Recent Advances in the Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion of Acid Mine Drainage

Ale­may­ohu, Milash Kiros
🎓 Acid mine drainage con­trol and pre­ven­tion

Alipour, Mah­moud; Badiehneshin, Alireza; Reza­eipour Ghana­tal­nou­ji, Hamed
The effect of the appli­ca­tion of lime on roads of Sarchesh­meh Cop­per Mine in Iran

Annan­dale, John George; van der Walt, Gideon; Tan­ner, Phillip Dale; Deane, Karabo
Irri­ga­tion of reha­bil­i­tat­ed open­cast mine land with mine water

Antunes, Mar­gari­da; Abdelka­rim, Bilel; Valente, Tere­sa; Tavares, Anto­nio
Post-min­ing water-sed­i­ment inter­ac­tion on U‑mine area – a con­tri­bu­tion to water man­age­ment

Bagh­ban­zadeh, Moham­madAli; Volchek, Kon­stan­tin; Hearne, Isabel­la; Abdu­lour, Caleb; Brown, Ray­mond; Shen, Angela; Goulet, Richard
Soft­en­ing of sele­ni­um- and nitrate-con­tain­ing brines pri­or to their treat­ment using reverse osmo­sis

Band­stra, Joel; Diedrich, Tama­ra
Fore­cast­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for co-man­age­ment of Cu-Ni tail­ings with byprod­ucts of iron ore min­ing

Bar­roso, Ana Raquel; Valente, Tere­sa Maria; Antunes, Isabel Mar­gari­da; Reis, Amélia Paula; Neves, Maria Isabel
Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion and mod­el­ing of Acid Mine Drainage in a high­ly acidic Stream (Trim­pan­cho min­ing com­plex, SW of Spain)

Bar­roso, Ana Raquel; Valente, Tere­sa Maria; Reis, Amélia Paula; Antunes, Isabel Mar­gari­da
Appli­ca­tion of sta­tis­ti­cal mod­els to esti­mate total dis­solved solids in acid mine drainage

Batool, Abeera; Genes, Blaise
In-situ test­ing and data appli­ca­tions for upstream-con­struct­ed coal refuse impound­ments

Behum Jr., Paul T; Rip­ley, Andrew; Wede­mey­er, Daniel
Com­par­i­son of Mid­west­ern U.S. con­ven­tion­al and hybrid ver­ti­cal flow ponds to pre­vi­ous per­for­mance data

Berkes, Mary Beth
Stream restora­tion solu­tions for chal­leng­ing envi­ron­ments

Bet­toni, Lau­ra Nina; Her­bert, Roger
Sul­fate removal from mine drainage at low tem­per­a­ture: effects of three dif­fer­ent car­bon sources on micro­bial sul­fate reduc­tion

Boothe, Tashane Jes­si­ca; Capo, Rose­mary Clare; Stew­art, Bri­an W.; Hedin, Ben; Olds, Travis; Rosen­feld, Car­la
Lab-based assess­ment of crit­i­cal met­al adsorp­tion by biot­ic and abi­ot­ic hydrous man­ganese oxides

Brown, Adri­an
The engi­neer­ing of tru­ly pas­sive mine water treat­ment sys­tems using recy­cled con­crete aggre­gate

Cai, Jun
Sat­u­rat­ed-unsat­u­rat­ed seep­age char­ac­ter­is­tics and sta­bil­i­ty analy­sis of tail­ing dam under dif­fer­ent rain­fall pat­tern

Cai, Mei­jun; Post, Sara; Rao, Shashi; Chun, Chan Lan; John­son, Lucin­da; Hudak, George
Low-con­cen­tra­tion sul­fate removal from waste­water with barite pre­cip­i­ta­tion tech­nol­o­gy

Cavaz­za, Eric
The Banning/West New­ton Coal Logis­tics coal refuse pile recla­ma­tion project, Ros­traver Town­ship, West­more­land Coun­ty, Penn­syl­va­nia

Cox, Michael Alan; Dale, Cather­ine; Sat­ter­ley, Christo­pher; Coul­ton, Richard; Coul­ton, Richard D; Mor­gan, Richard
Pilot plant test­ing to deter­mine the process effects of treat­ing net alka­line mine water using the high den­si­ty sludge process.

Cravot­ta III, Charles A; Tasker, Travis L.; Hedin, Ben­jamin C.
Lab­o­ra­to­ry and field obser­va­tions inform geo­chem­i­cal mod­els of treat­ment strate­gies to recov­er rare-earth ele­ments from acid mine drainage

Cravot­ta III, Charles A
Geo­chem­i­cal mod­el­ing to under­stand and mit­i­gate aquat­ic con­t­a­m­i­na­tion by aban­doned mine drainage

Dama-Fakir, Priyal; Cole­man, Trevor; Yung­wirth, Grace; Wille, Peter
Mine Water Pinch — increas­ing reuse/recycle effi­cien­cy while opti­mis­ing water treat­ment on a mine sites

De Ladu­ran­taye-Noel, Myr­i­am; Lal­ib­erté, Marc
Removal of sele­ni­um by reduc­tion to selen­ite and sur­face com­plex­a­tion

Den­holm, Cliff; Lam­agna, Natal­ie; Busler, Shaun
Datashed: an online tool for man­ag­ing AMD treat­ment sys­tems and restora­tion of impact­ed water­sheds

Deni­co­la, Tim­o­thy A
Nav­i­gat­ing dif­fi­cult site con­straints to facil­i­tate eco­log­i­cal recov­ery of an impaired water­shed

Dietz, Jonathan; French, Janie; Dietz, Haley
Reha­bil­i­ta­tion and repair of the Kyler Run pas­sive treat­ment sys­tems in the Lit­tle Toby Creek water­shed

Dietz, Jonathan
Active treat­ment of high strength acid mine drainage at a clay mine and coal refuse sites

Dor­man, Day­ton M; Nairn, Robert W
🎓 Effect of source water chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion on the min­er­alog­i­cal and chem­i­cal prop­er­ties of result­ing iron oxide pre­cip­i­tates in coal and hard-rock min­ing influ­enced waters

Doss, R. B {Bar­ry}
Ongo­ing case study, Berry Branch sele­ni­um pilot treat­ment sys­tem using sul­fur mod­i­fied iron, for­mer Hobet Sur­face Mine, Lin­coln Coun­ty, WV

Doya­ma, Kohei; Iwasa­ki, Yuichi; Hamai, Takaya; Yasu­ta­ka, Tet­suo; Tomiya­ma, Shin­go
Assess­ing the cost and applic­a­bil­i­ty of pas­sive treat­ment and risk-based point-of-use man­age­ment for 26 lega­cy mine drainages

Doyle, Sarah; Figueroa, Lin­da
Elec­trolyt­ic man­ganese removal from acid rock drainage

Ebel, Tom; Oppelt, Lukas; Wun­der­lich, Timm; Wen­zel, Thomas; Hein­rich, Patrick; Grab, Thomas; Fieback, Tobias
Val­i­da­tion of a Mod­el to inves­ti­gate Ener­gy Poten­tials in aban­doned Mines uti­liz­ing Mine-Water

Fanch­er, Ben­jamin Ross
Sandy creek restora­tion – the tale of two acid mine drainage treat­ment sys­tems

Fer­nan­des, Raquel; Bar­roso, Ana; Gomes, Patri­cia; de Vicq, Raphael; Antunes, Isabel Mar­gari­da; Fon­se­ca, Rita; Valente, Tere­sa Maria
Effect of dif­fer­ent sources and local con­di­tions in the post-min­ing con­t­a­m­i­na­tion by acid mine drainage: three case stud­ies in Iber­ian Penin­su­la (SW Europe)

Figueroa, Lin­da; Doyle, Sarah
Geo­chem­i­cal con­trols on mobi­liza­tion of met­als from tail­ings and impli­ca­tions for cov­er amend­ments

Fill­hart, Jason; Gut­ta, John Brady
Lam­bert Run: a pas­sive treat­ment approach to water­shed reme­di­a­tion

Flo­res, Her­nan; Dogan, Tansel; Haske, Julia
Con­ser­va­tion and pro­mo­tion of the Coal Min­ing Her­itage as Europe’s Cul­tur­al lega­cy

Flo­res, Her­nan; Rek­er, Bas­t­ian; Paw­lik, Marcin; Haske, Ben­jamin; Rudolph, Tobias
Hyper­spec­tral UAS-sens­ing for tail­ing ponds mon­i­tor­ing: Towards respon­si­ble resource repur­pos­ing

Gebrekris­tos, Robel; Trusler, Gra­ham
Influ­ences on Mine Water Qual­i­ty that are not relat­ed to Acid Mine Drainage

Gei­del, Gwen­de­lyn
Recla­ma­tion of two kyan­ite mine tail­ings ponds with dif­fer­ent sur­face topogra­phies

Gen­th, Till; Rose, Lisa; Jas­nows­ki-Peters, Hen­ning; West­er­mann, Sebas­t­ian; Melch­ers, Chris­t­ian
🎓 A work­flow to eval­u­ate hydraulic bar­ri­ers dur­ing mine water rebound: A holis­tic approach

Gomes, Patri­cia; Cordeiro, Mayara; Valente, Tere­sa
Map­ping min­ing waste reac­tiv­i­ty and assess­ment of its influ­ence on acid mine drainage hydro­chem­istry

Gon­za­les, Edward
Geo­chem­i­cal eval­u­a­tion of mine water qual­i­ty in the adja­cent basin of a poly­metal­lic open pit mine – South Amer­i­ca

Grafe, Bruno; Man­tes­cu, Liviu; Stolzen­berg, Sebas­t­ian
Water­gen­ics AISRAS: address­ing the prob­lem of sud­den changes in ion con­cen­tra­tions with real-time spec­troscopy

Greif, Annia Inge; Jahn, Sil­via
Sed­i­ments in affect­ed riv­er sys­tems – lessons learned from WISMUT reme­di­a­tion

Guld, Isaac; Robey, Kate; Black­more, Sharon; Chong, Andrea
Flow and load accre­tion study improved under­stand­ing of hyporhe­ic exchange plus con­t­a­m­i­nant plume sources and trans­port at an oper­at­ing mine

Gusek, James Joseph
Sequen­tial three-process bench scale pas­sive treat­ment of acid rock drainage

Hahn, Flo­ri­an; Klein, Ste­fan; Mannke, Kevin; Ver­ho­even, René; Gülden­haupt, Jonas; Sei­del, Torsten; König, Timo
Mine ther­mal ener­gy stor­age (MTES) sys­tems in aban­doned col­lieries with­in the Ruhr area

Haney, Michael; Diehl, Bran­den; Cole­man, Todd
Coop­er­a­tive mine land recla­ma­tion oper­a­tions & com­pre­hen­sive man­aged water­shed plan­ning

Hasan, Faiz; Abfer­ti­awan, Muham­mad Son­ny; Pal­ing­gi, Yoseph; Pra­n­oto, Kris
🎓 Poten­tial of con­tin­u­ous elec­tro­co­ag­u­la­tion for the treat­ment of coal mine water con­tain­ing col­loidal clays

Hedin, Ben­jamin; Wolfe, Neil; Hedin, Robert
Pas­sive treat­ment of Mn: results from an exper­i­men­tal pilot sys­tem

Hedin, Robert S; Hedin, Ben­jamin C
Car­bon­a­tion of mine water to increase cal­cite dis­so­lu­tion

Hein­rich, Patrick; Wen­zel, Thomas; Manig, Robert; Blei­dießel, Mareike; Grab, Thomas; Oppelt, Lukas
Analy­sis of a base-load-capa­ble heat sup­ply of quar­ters con­sid­er­ing aquifers in dis­used mines as heat stor­ages for local­ly spe­cif­ic renew­able (waste) heat poten­tials

Her­bert, Roger B.; Salmí, Tomas; Ylipää, Mat­tias
Nitrate removal from waste rock drainage with den­i­tri­fy­ing biore­ac­tors at the Kiruna iron ore mine

Her­zog, Tama­ra Lee; Lin­tern, Anna; Kessler, Adam; Win­frey, Bran­don
🎓 Treat­ing Fe-rich acid mine drainage with Tas­man­ian plants as a met­al removal mech­a­nism

Hilton, Tiff; Skousen, Jeff
Dis­tri­b­u­tion of flow in sed­i­men­ta­tion and AMD treat­ment ponds

Huisamen, Altus; Glendin­ning, John Edward
Hydro­ge­o­log­i­cal inputs to sta­bil­i­ty analy­sis of tail­ings stor­age facil­i­ties

Hynes, Gre­go­ry Paul
Mon­day creek restora­tion, snow fork dosers

Janisch, Ben­no
Ensur­ing the water qual­i­ty of post-min­ing lakes in Cen­tral Ger­many by imple­ment­ing two dif­fer­ent after­care strate­gies to meet alka­lin­i­ty demand

Jan­neck, Eber­hard; Mar­tin, Mirko; Stevens, Chris­tine; Hiller, Axel
Reduc­ing water qual­i­ty impacts from aban­doned mines in Sax­ony – Chal­lenges and ben­e­fits for pas­sive treat­ment options

Jas­nows­ki-Peters, Hen­ning; West­er­mann, Sebas­t­ian; Melch­ers, Chris­t­ian
Hydro­geo­chem­i­cal Mon­i­tor­ing of Mine Waters for a con­trolled and sus­tain­able Mine Water Rebound – from a uni­vari­ate to a mul­ti­vari­ate Trac­er Mon­i­tor­ing Con­cept

Jere­mi­assen, Nin­ni; Jia, Yu; Hansen, Vio­le­ta; Fri­is, Hen­rik; Larsen, Morten Birch; Olsen, Maia; Ulrich, Thomas
Leach­ing dynam­ics of Pb, Zn, and F: Long-term leach­ing of waste rock from mine site of Ivit­tuut, South Green­land

Kearns, Michael Stephen
Pell road dos­er upgrade project

Kheirkhah Gildeh, Hos­sein; Sreeku­mar, Uthra; Moham­ma­di­an, Abdol­ma­jid; Nis­tor, Ioan; Ren­nie, Col­in
Tail­ings dam breach assess­ment – a review

Kim, Duk-Min; Kwon, Hye-Lim; Park, Mi-Sun
Under­es­ti­ma­tion of alka­line dosage and pre­cip­i­tate amount dur­ing water treat­ment: Role of inor­gan­ic car­bon and use of PHREE­QC-N-AMDTreat

Kon­do, Masa­ta­ka; Masa­ki, Yusei; Hag­i­hara, Kana; Iguchi, Koki; Hamai, Takaya; Semo­to, Yuki; Kamiya, Taro; Oku­mu­ra, Masao; Sato, Nao­ki
Improv­ing Fe oxidizing/removal process by lime­stone addi­tion to rice husk bed on large scale pas­sive treat­ment test for AMD in Japan

Kruse Daniels, Natal­ie A; Bow­man, Jen­nifer R; Riefler, R Guy
Water­shed scale recla­ma­tion and treat­ment plan­ning with chang­ing recla­ma­tion fund­ing sources

Kruse Daniels, Natal­ie A; Quardey, Ben­jamin; Jamshid­i­fard, Sana; Mar­ma, Alich­ing; Mad­den, Blake
Hydrochar for met­al removal from acid mine drainage: sorp­tion and biore­ac­tors

Kruse Daniels, Natal­ie A; Sul­li­van, Nora; Bow­man, Jen; Bur­kett, Tatiana; Gur­ro­la, Anni­ka; Pazol, Red; Love, Kel­ly; Maz­zone, Nic­hole; Vis, Mor­gan; John­son, Kel­ly
Flood­plain recon­nec­tion stream restora­tion in long­wall mined water­shed increas­es water and nutri­ent reten­tion

Kusuma, Gint­ing Jalu; Bad­hu­rah­man, Abie; Dwi­ki, Sendy; Salmawati, Salmawati; Gau­ta­ma, Rudy Sayo­ga; Wis­nu­gra­ha, Gelar
Eval­u­a­tion of geo­chem­i­cal reac­tion rates from dif­fer­ent wet-dry cycle inter­vals in lab­o­ra­to­ry kinet­ic test

Kusuma, Gint­ing Jalu; Bad­hu­rah­man, Abie; Dwi­ki, Sendy; Salmawati, Salmawati; Gau­ta­ma, Rudy Sayo­ga
Var­i­ous rain­fall fore­cast­ing meth­ods for esti­ma­tion of pit lake flood­ing dura­tion in Indone­sia

LaBar, Julie Anne; Nairn, Robert
Man­ganese behav­ior in ver­ti­cal flow biore­ac­tors

Lee, Ki-Rim; Kim, Duk-Min; Kwon, Hye-Lim; Kim, Nam-Kyu; Kim, Young-Min; Im, Dae-Gyu; Kwon, Oh-Hun
Eco­nom­i­cal and Envi­ron­men­tal­ly Friend­ly Adsorp­tion of Arsenic from Mine Drainage: Com­par­i­son between CMDS-Bead and GFH

Lemos, Mar­i­ana; Valente, Tere­sa; Mar­in­ho-Reis, Amélia; Sequeira Bra­ga, Amália; Fon­se­ca, Rita; da Mata Fil­ho, José; Mag­a­l­hães, Mar­cus
The poten­tial of repro­cess­ing Au and by-prod­ucts from a tail­ing dam in the Iron Quad­ran­gle – The case of the Cuia­ba Dam, Sabará, Minas Gerais

Lennox, Col­in A
Self-orga­niz­ing wet­land biore­ac­tors (sowbs) appli­ca­tions in min­ing recla­ma­tion: direct and indi­rect biore­me­di­a­tion as a design tool

Liu, Ding­fang; Pret­zel, Sami
Ban­ning No. 4 Mine, a tale of Title V facil­i­ty retro­fit project devel­op­ment.

Lohr, Lisa
Teach­ing hydro­ge­ol­o­gy in a mined site: a case study on West Run, Mor­gan­town, WV

Loken, Robert
Acid mine drainage active treat­ment solu­tions options and eval­u­a­tion

Lund, Mark; Bernasconi, Rachele
Chal­lenges of defin­ing what ‘suc­cess’ looks like for clo­sure of pit lakes as aquat­ic ecosys­tems

Lusun­zi, Rudzani; Waan­ders, Frans; Fos­so-Kankeu, Elvis; Net­shi­tun­gul­wana, Khashane Tshis­hon­ga Robert
🎓 Mit­i­ga­tion Mea­sures for the Acid Mine Drainage Ema­nat­ing from the Sabie Gold­field: Case Study of the Nestor Mine

Mack­ey, Amy; Sul­li­van, Nora; Kruse Daniels, Natal­ie A; Bow­man, Jen­nifer
Beyond recla­ma­tion and reme­di­a­tion, next steps in a recov­ered water­shed

Maest, Ann
Rem­i­ning for renew­able ener­gy met­als

Maghanga, Justin Kam­bale; Gitau, Fran­cis; Ondi­a­ka, Mary Neli­ma
Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of sol­id iron ore min­ing wastes in Kishushe area, Tai­ta Tave­ta coun­ty, Kenya

Mahlohla, Mamile Beli­na; Masin­di, Vha­hang­wele; Tekere, Mem­o­ry; Fontei­nis, Spy­ros
🎓 Recov­ery of poly-cation­ic met­al sul­phate from acid mine drainage and its ben­e­fi­ci­a­tion as a coag­u­lant for drink­ing water treat­ment

Mahoney, Michele; Dun­ning­ton, Lucila; Prest­bo, Kim­ber­ly; But­ler, Bar­bara
Min­ing-influ­enced water treat­ment tech­nol­o­gy demon­stra­tion pro­gram lessons learned from two EPA Super­fund sites

Maiga, Deogratius; Maka­mu, Sazi­ni; Let­soa­lo, Mokgehle; Mudzanani, Khuthad­zo; Pha­di, Ter­ence; Limani, Shon­isani; Msagati, Titus
Deter­mi­na­tion of cyanide and poten­tial­ly tox­ic ele­ments in gold tail­ings in Bar­ber­ton, Mpumalan­ga, South Africa

Malatji, Mafe­to; Fos­so-Kankeu, Elvis
🎓 A review of the reduc­ing and alka­lin­i­ty-pro­duc­ing pas­sive treat­ment sys­tem for reme­di­at­ing acid mine drainage

Mannke, Kevin; Hahn, Flo­ri­an; Ver­ho­even, René; Klein, Ste­fan
GIS based analy­sis of heat demand and sub­sur­face poten­tial of aban­doned min­ing infra­struc­ture in the Ruhr region, Ger­many

Manono, Mal­i­bong­we Shadrach
Short water recir­cu­la­tion dur­ing the flota­tion of a UG2 Cu-Ni-PGM ore: Impli­ca­tions on tail­ings dewa­ter­ing and qual­i­ty of the recov­ered water

Manono, Mal­i­bong­we Shadrach
Con­sid­er­ing resid­ual floc­cu­lants and coag­u­lants in recy­cled mine water on the sur­face chem­istry of talc: Impli­ca­tions on flota­tion per­for­mance

Marimuthu, Thiru­mu­ru­gan; Sub­ra­man­ian, Manoj; Lak­sh­manan, Elan­go
Mod­el­ling of Radionu­clide Migra­tion in Ground­wa­ter from a Pro­posed Ura­ni­um Tail­ings Pond

Marmi­er, Vin­cent; Plante, Benoît; Demers, Isabelle; Ben­za­a­zoua, Mostafa; Fil­lion, Math­ieu
Devel­op­ment of a pre­dic­tion method for con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed neu­tral drainage: Case of Lac Tio, QC

Maru­mo, Moth­usi
Fea­si­bil­i­ty of the scale-up of a pas­sive bio­log­i­cal sul­fate reduc­tion process treat­ing high sul­fate mine water

Math­obo, Mashudu; Duthe, Diana; Kanand­jem­bo, Ang­ie-Riit­ta
Assess­ment of pit lake for­ma­tion and asso­ci­at­ed geo­chem­istry for a Gold Mine, Namib­ia

McCann, Jus­tine Inez; Nairn, Robert W.
Met­al loads account­ing at a lega­cy mine site: The Tar Creek Super­fund Site, Okla­homa, USA

McGuire, Mol­ly M.; Schulthe­is, Han­nah M.; Her­man, Ellen K.
Track­ing AMD trace met­als in an anthracite pas­sive treat­ment sys­tem in the Shamokin Creek water­shed

Means, Brent; Beam, Rich
Enhanced decar­bon­a­tion of mine drainage using iron oxi­da­tion

Means, Brent; Beam, Rich
Invok­ing het­eroge­nous catal­y­sis to oxi­dize fer­rous iron in a pilot mine water treat­ment sys­tem

Meuze­laar, Tom; Zahu­ranec, Shan­non D.; Alex, Alice; Jonas, James P.
Inno­v­a­tive data col­lec­tion and man­age­ment strate­gies for improved water treat­ment effi­cien­cy

Mills, Joseph Edward
Suc­cess­ful acid mine drainage abate­ment – a case study

Mokhahlane, Lehlo­hono­lo
🎓 Inter­grat­ed ground­wa­ter man­age­ment mod­el for under­ground coal gasi­fi­ca­tion plants

Moran, Patrick
Con­struct­ing and Oper­at­ing an Angled Dewa­ter­ing Well at an Open Pit Mine

More, Kag­iso Samuel; Wolk­ers­dor­fer, Chris­t­ian
Opti­mis­ing mine water man­age­ment using sam­pling appli­ca­tion, machine learn­ing tech­niques and data mod­el­ling soft­ware

Mor­eira, Vic­tor Rezende; Ama­r­al, Míri­am Cristi­na San­tos
🎓 Unlock­ing sus­tain­able mem­brane-based solu­tions for the gold mine indus­try: mem­brane dis­til­la­tion and non-dis­per­sive sol­vent extrac­tion for min­ing waste­water ben­e­fi­ci­a­tion

Mor­gan, Richard; Coul­ton, Richard; King­stone, Steve
Devel­op­ment of a sin­gle stage High Den­si­ty Sludge (HDS) process for the reopen­ing of South Crofty Tin Mine, Corn­wall, UK

Mor­ton, Kym Les­ley
A phased approach to mine dewa­ter­ing applic­a­ble world­wide and for all com­modi­ties

Mosai, Alseno; Richards, Hei­di; Tutu, Hlanganani
The trans­port of tox­ic ele­ments from the Marie-Louise land­fill site and near­by gold mine dumps to water­bod­ies

Mudzanani, Khuthad­zo; Maiga, Deogratius; Tshikovhi, Anasta­cia; Masin­di, Vha­hang­wele; Pha­di, Ter­ence
Min­er­al ore physic­o­chem­i­cal prop­er­ties, oper­a­tional con­di­tions, and how they influ­ence wet siev­ing effi­cien­cy: a case study of dif­fer­ent min­ing oper­a­tions

Mugo­va, Elke; Wolk­ers­dor­fer, Chris­t­ian
🎓 Advanc­ing sus­tain­able mine water man­age­ment through under­stand­ing strat­i­fi­ca­tion in flood­ed under­ground mines

Naidu, Tam­lyn Sasha; Mag­a­no, Keamo­getswe Can­dy
🎓 Advanc­ing envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment in coal min­ing: a GIS-based approach to acid mine drainage assess­ment and reme­di­a­tion

Naidu, Tam­lyn Sasha; Sheri­dan, Craig Michael
Inte­gra­tive treat­ment and val­oriza­tion schemes for min­ing influ­enced water: beyond resource recov­ery

Nairn, Robert W.; Dor­man, Day­ton M; McCann, Jus­tine I.; Olson, Leif H.; Sea­go, Hai­ley N.; Mor­gan, Cheyenne M.; Shep­herd, Nicholas L.; Knox, Robert C.
Nature-based solu­tions for mine water chal­lenges: Link­ing min­ing recla­ma­tion, envi­ron­men­tal reme­di­a­tion, eco­log­i­cal restora­tion, and sus­tain­able resource extrac­tion

Najafabadipour, Amirhos­sein
Deter­mi­na­tion of ground­wa­ter lev­el using advanced machine learn­ing meth­ods

Neculi­ta, Car­men Mihaela
Per­for­mance of nat­ur­al and resid­ual mate­ri­als for mine water treat­ment and mine sites reha­bil­i­ta­tion

Neira-Are­nas, Gus­ta­vo; Navar­ro-Martínez, Sebastián
Bridg­ing the gap: ana­lyz­ing mine clo­sure prac­tices and lega­cy issues in the Cór­do­ba province – Colom­bia

Net­shi­tun­gul­wana, Khashane Robert Tshis­hon­ga; Yibas, Bis­rat Bab­so; Grobbe­laar, Dirk; Lusun­zi, Rudzani
Region­al spa­tial dis­tri­b­u­tion of ele­ments in the Vaal pri­ma­ry catch­ment using stream sed­i­ments geo­chem­istry: Impli­ca­tion on anthro­pogenic and geogenic source

Nils­son, Mag­nus
From pre-fea­si­bil­i­ty study to full func­tion turnkey water treat­ment plant

Park, Seong-Sook; Lee, Ga-Hyeon; Kim, Duk-Min; Park, Mi-Sun; Kim, Sun-Joon
Col­umn exper­i­ments on the set­tling char­ac­ter­is­tics of sus­pend­ed solids in mine water treat­ment facil­i­ties

Phillips, Gre­go­ry Willard
Mud­dy creek restora­tion, a water­shed-based npdes approach to amd treat­ment. cheat riv­er, wv

Pret­zel, Sami; Clark, Tom
Tio­ga riv­er water­shed restora­tion, design con­sid­er­a­tions and updates

Quar­les, Jack­son Tyler; Vitale, Matthew Joseph; Cal­houn, Michael William
Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of rare earth ele­ment occur­rences in mine waste through­out Mon­tana

Quensel, Peter; Wieber, Georg
Geot­her­mal mul­ti­ple use of mine water from the Wolf – San Fer­nan­do – Friedrich Wil­helm com­pos­ite mine, Rhen­ish Mas­siv, Ger­many

Rape­ta, Mok­ga­di; Maree, Johannes; Msagati, Titus; Nkam­bule, Thabo
🎓 Treat­ment of leachate with the ROC process for the recov­ery of drink­ing water and saleable prod­ucts

Recio, Gon­za­lo; Segu­ra, Aileen; Schwarz, Alex; Nan­cucheo, Ivan
Recov­ery of cop­per as “clean” nanopar­ti­cles of CuS from acid rock drainage and mine process water

Rek­er, Bas­t­ian; West­er­mann, Sebas­t­ian; Melch­ers, Chris­t­ian
Screen­ing of mine waters and their pre­cip­i­ta­tion prod­ucts in the Ruhr area and Ibben­büren (Ger­many) as a pos­si­ble resource for crit­i­cal ele­ments

Rid­dell, Jill L; Ves­per, Dorothy J
Diur­nal cycles of dis­solved inor­gan­ic car­bon and dis­solved met­als at Lam­bert Run, Har­ri­son Coun­ty, WV

Rock­well, Lau­ren J; Ves­per, Dorothy J; Fredrick, Kyle C; Lohr, Lisa H
Esti­mat­ing car­bon diox­ide flux from coal min­ing dis­charge por­tals in the bitu­mi­nous coal field region of Penn­syl­va­nia

Rose, Lisa Jas­min; Gen­th, Till; Jas­nows­ki-Peters, Hen­ning; West­er­mann, Sebas­t­ian; Melch­ers, Chris­t­ian
🎓 Hydraulic con­duc­tiv­i­ty pro­files with­in the Emsch­er-For­ma­tion in the Mün­ster­land basin, Ger­many: Eval­u­a­tion of a hydraulic bar­ri­er dur­ing mine water rebound

Rüde, Thomas R.; Beck­er, Julia; Sahle, Dirk; Chmielar­czyk, Franz-Josef; Heit­feld, Michael; Ros­ner, Peter; Hoff­mann, Ernst-Wern­er; Dem­mel, Thomas
Assess­ment of AMD Poten­tial and Pre­dic­tion of a long-term Sul­fate Plume of a Tail­ing Stor­age Facil­i­ty Decades after its Decom­mis­sion­ing

Ruiz, Eduar­do; Irao­la, Aitor; Hua­mani, Lizar­do; Pool, Maria; Sanchez, Ale­jan­dro; Irrib­ar­ren, Mar­co; Llanos, Bertha; Cairo, Mil­ton; Nar­di, Albert; Vilano­va, Ester; Loza­da, Luis
Applic­a­bil­i­ty of machine learn­ing in agile deci­sion mak­ing in open pit dewa­ter­ing: A case study at Anta­m­i­na mine (Peru)

San­tis­te­ban, Leonard; Isleyen, Sky­lar; Miran­da, Eve­lyn; Szaro, Jes­si­ca; Ramey, Dan; Nielsen, Barb
Lab-scale treata­bil­i­ty study of a pas­sive biore­me­di­a­tion strat­e­gy for lega­cy mines, part 2

San­tis­te­ban, Leonard; Ramey, Dan; Nielsen, Barb
Lab-Scale treata­bil­i­ty study of a pas­sive biore­me­di­a­tion strat­e­gy for lega­cy mines, part 1

San­tos, Iuri; Depriest, Nathan; Hoff­man, David; Glas­cock, Caitlin; King, Michael; Quar­an­ta, John; Ziemkiewicz, Paul
Gen­er­at­ing Rare Earth Ele­ment and Crit­i­cal Min­er­al hydraulic pre-con­cen­trate from acid mine drainage at remote sites: a case study at Fola Job 5, Clay Coun­ty, WV

Schaf­fer, Camille Rose; Cravot­ta III, Charles A.; Capo, Rose­mary C.; Stew­art, Bri­an W.; Hedin, Ben­jamin C.; Ves­per, Dorothy J.
Coal mine drainage con­t­a­m­i­nant trend pre­dic­tion in an Appalachi­an basin, USA

Schaf­fer, Camille Rose; Stuck­man, Mengling Y.; Lopano, Christi­na L.; Capo, Rose­mary C.; Stew­art, Bri­an W.; Bhan­dari, Gita
Char­ac­ter­iz­ing cobalt seques­tra­tion in man­ganese-rich coal mine drainage treat­ment solids

Schmidt, Rox­ane; Palmer, Michael
Stormwa­ter dam siz­ing guide­line account­ing for cli­mate change effects

Schmidt, Ter­ry W.
Upper He Creek water bal­ance hydraulic and hydro­ge­o­log­ic solu­tions in east cen­tral Ten­nessee

Schreiber, Harley; Stan­ley, Jaron; Cham­bers, Mike
Using state point analy­sis and set­tling flux the­o­ry to design and oper­ate mine water treat­ment clar­i­fiers

Schultz. Ph.D., Logan; Park, Bri­an; Stan­ford, Lau­ren; Pfeifer, Kevin; Mon­tero. Ph.D., Irene; Moore. Ph.D., Ter­ry; Riese. Ph.D., Sandy
A tool­box for char­ac­ter­iz­ing organ­ic media in pas­sive biotreat­ment cells

Sei­del, Torsten; König, Timo; Hahn, Flo­ri­an; Klein, Ste­fan; Nehler, Math­ias
WINZER: Mul­ti-scale mod­el­ling con­cept for numer­i­cal mod­el­ling of sea­son­al ther­mal ener­gy stor­age in ground­wa­ter-filled hard coal mines

Shultz, Bradley; Beam, Richard; Bak­er, Dean; Rum­mel, Roger; Fisan­ick III, Stephen
The Barnes & Tuck­er #20 Mine Drainage Treat­ment Facil­i­ty: opti­miza­tion case study in con­sid­er­a­tion of vari­able flow and water chem­istry

Singh, Givarn; Jug­gath, Nivi; Pulles, William; Mudau, Stephi­nah
Imple­ment­ing water con­ser­va­tion and water demand man­age­ment in South Africa’s min­ing indus­try

Sinthu­mule, Ethel; Makono, Tebo­go; Ramat­sek­isa, Rudzani; Morokane, Molefe; Malatji, Mafe­to
Caro­RAP Sys­tem: a pas­sive treat­ment tech­nique used in reme­di­at­ing pol­lut­ed mine water from a flood­ed aban­doned under­ground coal mine in Car­oli­na, Mpumalan­ga Province, South Africa

Smith, Wes­ley Con; Ram­sey, Adam
Crossville coal pas­sive treat­ment sys­tem – the redesign of a non-func­tion­ing iron and man­ganese treat­ment sys­tem

Strager, Mike; Kinder, Paul; Gut­ta, Brady; Crib­ari, Vin­cen­zo
UAVs for ana­lyz­ing lega­cy issues and devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties on for­mer mine lands

Stros­nider, William; Roman, Ben­jamin; Spell­man Jr., Charles; Good­will, Joseph; Tasker, Travis
Expand­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for the co-treat­ment of mine drainage with munic­i­pal waste­water

Szczepińs­ki, Jacek
Mod­el­ling study for the assess­ment of hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure dif­fer­ences in the “Lub­stów” post-min­ing pit, Poland

Szlach­ta, Mał­gorza­ta; Vep­säläi­nen, Jouko; Lap­palainen, Rei­jo
“Min­ing” of phos­pho­rus from water leaks from phos­ph­o­gyp­sum stacks with the means of the lat­est tech­nolo­gies: the Min­Phos project

Szlach­ta, Mał­gorza­ta; Xu, Jun­hua
Advanc­ing sus­tain­able lithi­um extrac­tion from geot­her­mal brine sources

Tan­nor, Sala­matu Joana
🎓 Dou­ble bur­den of mine water resources and the prospect of cor­po­rate sus­tain­abil­i­ty as adap­ta­tion strat­e­gy: per­spec­tives from Ghana, West Africa

Tasker, Travis Lind­say; Warn­er, Hen­ry; Himes, Nicole; Roman, Ben; Eck­en­rode, James
Batch oper­at­ing lime­stone treat­ment sys­tems (BOLTS): a nov­el approach to treat­ing mine drainage at low­er cost

Tis­chler, Bernd Franz Paul
Inno­va­tionCi­ty Bot­trop

Tonge­sayi, Tsanan­gu­rayi
A crit­i­cal review of ground­wa­ter arsenic bio­geo­chem­istry, spe­ci­a­tion, mobil­i­ty and human expo­sure due to min­ing and min­ing activ­i­ties: Zim­bab­we case study

Trexler, Heather
Restor­ing the north branch Black­lick Creek with a cen­tral­ized mine drainage treat­ment facil­i­ty

Tuheteru, Edy; Dwina­gara, Bar­lian; Haq, Shofa Rijalul; Jati, Vinan­sius Jim­my; Har­ta­mi, Pan­t­jani­ta; Suhaila, Suhaila; Putri, Anind­hi­ta Savi­ra
Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Rocks Geo­chem­i­cal around the Pit Lake area in Cen­tral Kali­man­tan, Indone­sia

Tum, Serey­roith; Kataya­ma, Tai­ki; Miy­a­ta, Naoyu­ki; Watan­abe, Miho; Hashimo­to, Yohey; Yasu­ta­ka, Tet­suo
Under­stand­ing a pas­sive treat­ment mech­a­nism of man­ganese and zinc at a lega­cy mine in north­ern Japan using geo­chem­i­cal mod­el­ling

van Coller, Andre Abel; Shaw, Vic­ki Ann; Trusler, Gra­ham Errol
Water Man­age­ment and Treat­ment in the Clo­sure Phase: Case Stud­ies and the Asso­ci­at­ed Chal­lenges

Ver­reault, Michael
Trac­er dilu­tion pro­files for mine dewa­ter­ing: approach and case study

Ves­per, Dorothy J; Cravot­ta III, Charles A; Fredrick, Kyle; Her­man, Ellen K; Lei, Lili; Rid­dell, Jill L; Bell, Math­ew L; Rock­well, Lau­ren J; Schaf­fer, Camille R
The release of dis­solved inor­gan­ic car­bon (DIC) and CO₂ from coal mine drainages

Wachi­ra, Dick­son; Gitau, Fran­cis
🎓 Socio-eco­nom­ic impli­ca­tions of mine water con­t­a­m­i­na­tion in Kenya’s arti­sanal and small-scale min­ing com­mu­ni­ties

Wal­ter, Thomas Manuel; Grawun­der, Anja
Sur­veil­lance of Mine Water Rebound in the Trans­bound­ary Coal Min­ing Region in Lor­rain (France) and Saar­land (Ger­many)

War­wick, Kather­ine G; Ryan, Michelle; Reynolds, Jason K; Wright, Ian A
Bio­mag­ni­fi­ca­tion of poten­tial­ly tox­ic ele­ments from Tah­moor Col­liery, Bar­go NSW, into inver­te­brates and fur of the icon­ic Aus­tralian platy­pus (Ornithorhynchus anat­i­nus)

Wen­zel, Thomas; Hein­rich, Patrick; Manig, Robert; Grab, Thomas; Oppelt, Lukas; Ebel, Tom; Wun­der­lich, Timm
GIS-based devel­op­ment of aner­gy net­works using mine water geot­her­mal ener­gy for cross-sec­toral heat­ing and cool­ing sup­ply of munic­i­pal quar­ters

Wolfe, Neil; Hedin, Robert; Hedin, Ben­jamin; Weaver, Olivia
Pas­sive Treat­ment using Drain­able Lime­stone Beds: Lessons from 13 Years of Design and Main­te­nance

Wolk­ers­dor­fer, Chris­t­ian; More, Kag­iso Samuel; Mugo­va, Elke; Nch­a­be­leng, Nokuthu­la; Soti­ralis, Anna Johan­na
Hydro­geo­chem­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tions in the vicin­i­ty of the for­mer Have­lock asbestos mine near Bulem­bu, eSwa­ti­ni (for­mer­ly Swazi­land)

Wood, Katie
Case Study – The Glad­den acid mine drainage (AMD) treat­ment facil­i­ty and Fish­ing Run stream seal­ing project

Wu, Qiang; Zeng, Yifan; Mei, Aoshuang
Char­ac­ter­is­tics, caus­es, and pre­ven­tion mea­sures of coal mine water haz­ard acci­dents in Chi­na

Wun­der­lich, Timm; Ebel, Tom; Oppelt, Lukas; Grab, Thomas; Fieback, Tobias
🎓 Mine water geot­her­mal ener­gy a source of ener­gy for heat­ing, cool­ing and stor­age – From sta­tus quo to chal­lenges and mon­i­tor­ing of exist­ing sys­tems

Yasu­ta­ka, Tet­suo; Furukawa, Hiromit­su; Kuro­ki, Ken­ro; Fuji­ta, Tsukasa; Yam­a­ga­ta, Saburo; Kuro­sawa, Mit­su­ru
Devel­op­ment of an un-pow­ered remote mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem of mine waste water

Yin, Huichao; Zhang, Gaizhuo; Wu, Qiang; Cui, Fang­peng; Yan, Bicheng; Yin, Shangx­i­an; Soltan­ian, Mohamad Reza; Thanh, Hung Vo; Dai, Zhenx­ue
Over­ly­ing rock frac­tur­ing evo­lu­tive study for min­ing water inrush pre­ven­tion: a spa­tiotem­po­ral analy­sis using Con­vL­STM image recon­struc­tion

Zhou, Wan­fang; Zoeck­ler, Jeff; Bai­ley, Scott; Kim, Mar­cus
Aban­doned Mine Pools: a Threat to the envi­ron­ment or a Water Resource for Ben­e­fi­cial Uses

Ziemkiewicz, Paul F.; Skousen, Jeff G.
Inte­grat­ed treat­ment of acid mine drainage and rare earth crit­i­cal mate­ri­als pro­duc­tion

Zim­mer­mann, Joshua Townsend; Hib­bard, Dave Grant
Aban­doned coal mine mit­i­ga­tion in arte­sian con­di­tions