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Moderator Instructions

Thank you for agree­ing to be a ses­sion mod­er­a­tor. Here are some instruc­tions and sug­ges­tions. You can already access the abstracts for each of the papers in your ses­sion at:

  • Before your ses­sion begins, famil­iar­ize your­self with the room (e.g. how to dim the lights) and the com­put­er set-up so that you can instruct the speak­ers on how to use the remote and the point­er. Check that all the appro­pri­ate pre­sen­ta­tions for your ses­sion are on the com­put­er before the ses­sion. The speak­ers have also been instruct­ed to meet you in the room before the ses­sion begins (dur­ing the break or ear­li­er). When you meet them, ask them how to pro­nounce their name to ensure you pro­nounce it prop­er­ly and that you have some intro­duc­tion mate­r­i­al for them. And please let them know that they have 25 min­utes at most for their pre­sen­ta­tion and that includes time for ques­tions.
  • Start the ses­sion at the des­ig­nat­ed time by intro­duc­ing your­self and let­ting folks know what ses­sion they are in (just in case they are in the wrong room). And remind every­one to turn off their phone or at least put them on vibrate.
  • Intro­duce each speak­er. If the speak­er is a stu­dent (des­ig­nat­ed with a grad­u­ate cap, 🎓, in the pro­gram), ask the audi­ence to help select the best stu­dent pre­sen­ta­tions by fill­ing out the short sur­vey using the con­fer­ence app, which will be pro­vid­ed to you when you reg­is­ter. We have asked each speak­er to pro­vide a short intro­duc­tion. We will dis­trib­ute these to you for your ses­sion about a week before the con­fer­ence begins. How­ev­er, these are not defined scripts – feel free to go off-script, as appro­pri­ate, espe­cial­ly if you feel that you can help a ner­vous speak­er feel more com­fort­able or if you know the speak­er per­son­al­ly.
  • Keep the ses­sion on time! The pre­sen­ta­tion time slots are all 25 min­utes long so that con­fer­ence par­tic­i­pants can eas­i­ly move from one room to anoth­er to hear the talks they are most inter­est­ed in. You will have signs to show the speak­ers the amount of time they have left; at 5 min, 2 min, 1 min, and STOP! If they reach their time lim­it, stand up and inter­rupt the speak­er if nec­es­sary, thank the speak­er, and then move on to the next (no ques­tions!). Assum­ing the speak­ers fin­ish a few min­utes before their time is expired, encour­age the audi­ence to ask ques­tions. Be pre­pared to ask the first ques­tion to get things start­ed, but gen­er­al­ly, you should only do so if no one else speaks up. Note that if all of the ques­tions have been exhaust­ed or if a speak­er fails to show up, your next speaker(s) should not start their pre­sen­ta­tion until their des­ig­nat­ed time
  • Please note any papers that you feel should be sub­mit­ted for poten­tial pub­li­ca­tion in IMWA’s jour­nal, Mine Water and the Envi­ron­ment. Con­fer­ence papers, although pub­lished on-line, have lim­it­ed read­er­ship and are lim­it­ed in length, so if you feel that the work being pre­sent­ed is espe­cial­ly note­wor­thy, please encour­age the authors to expand the paper and sub­mit it for pub­li­ca­tion in the jour­nal. Please also let the Edi­tor-in-Chief know about such papers so that he can also remind the authors after the con­fer­ence to sub­mit the paper to the jour­nal.
  • Enjoy your ses­sion and pay atten­tion. It always looks bad when the mod­er­a­tor falls asleep or falls off of his/her chair dur­ing the ses­sion.