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Introduction to Python and its Application across the Mine Project Life Cycle


Sam Wright | Life Cycle Geo LLC


09:15Script­ing basics – Python envi­ron­ments, down­load­ing pack­ages
10:00Cof­fee break
10:15Intro to Python – Data Struc­tures, Oper­a­tions
11:00Per­form Data Analy­sis with Python – Pan­das
11:45Ques­tions & Answers ses­sion
12:00Lunch reak
13:00Mak­ing plots – Mat­plotlib, Seaborn
14:00How to code any prob­lem – Github, Stack­over­flow, chat­g­pt
14:30Cof­fee Break
14:45Intro­duc­tion to Machine Learn­ing
15:30Appli­ca­tion of Machine Learn­ing across mine project life cycle
16:30Ques­tions & Answers ses­sion
17:00End of work­shop


An intro­duc­to­ry work­shop designed for pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in all stages of the mine project life cycle. The par­tic­i­pants will be intro­duced to Python with appli­ca­tions that can be applied to Geo­chem­i­cal datasets. Prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es will use Python in the Google Colab envi­ron­ment. We encour­age every­one to bring their per­son­al lap­tops to active­ly engage in the work­shop exer­cis­es, ensur­ing a hands-on learn­ing expe­ri­ence.

In the after­noon ses­sion, our focus will shift to cre­at­ing plots using Python pack­ages. We will equip par­tic­i­pants with a diverse array of exam­ple codes, rang­ing from sim­ple lin­ear regres­sion plots to more intri­cate visu­al­iza­tions like piper plots. More­over, we will ded­i­cate time to famil­iar­ize par­tic­i­pants with invalu­able resources such as GitHub, Stack Over­flow, and Chat­G­PT. These plat­forms will empow­er par­tic­i­pants to dis­cov­er and uti­lize code snip­pets for a wide range of tasks. Fol­low­ing the after­noon cof­fee break, we’ll present a high-lev­el explo­ration of machine-learn­ing tech­niques. We will present prac­ti­cal exam­ples of advanced algo­rithms. The work­shop will end with case stud­ies that will empha­size method­ol­o­gy, pit­falls to con­sid­er, chal­lenges, and suc­cess­es of employ­ing advanced meth­ods.

Workshop Requirements

Atten­dees are encour­aged to bring a lap­top to fol­low the instruc­tor. Instruc­tors will pro­vide Google Colab and any pre-pack­aged scripts at the work­shop so make sure you have instal­la­tion rights on your com­put­er.