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Tourist Activities in and near Morgantown

Here are some of the resources that would be ben­e­fi­cial for you when com­ing to the Mor­gan­town area before or after the WVTF | IMWA 2024 Con­fer­ence.–3.pdf

This is a guide that was specif­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed for an Inter­na­tion­al Tourism Sum­mit and it goes over some of the best assets in Moun­taineer Coun­try. It also includes day-by-day itin­er­aries to fol­low based on what kind of activ­i­ty you’re look­ing for (e.g. Brew Tour, Food Guide, His­to­ry).

There is also a full web page ded­i­cat­ed to dif­fer­ent guides and pop­u­lar activ­i­ties.

This web­site is full of things to do, cur­rent events, local dis­counts, and more to dis­cov­er.

Check out the over­look at Cooper’s Rock, a tour through Moun­taineer Excur­sions, walk through the West Vir­ginia Botan­ic Gar­den, and eat at Von Blaze, Ter­ra Café, Moun­tain State Brew­ing Co.